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Lifetime Learners Toolbox
The Lifetime Learners Toolbox will be a living collection of entrypoints to learn about various topics.  We believe that the key to Happiness is consistent Learning.  Learning is Growth.  We will continue to provide opportunities for us all to continue to learn, and grow.  

Really My Power Statement (7 x 9.5 in).png
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Learn a Language

Learn Yoruba - this tool will connect you with a world renowned instructor to help you learn Yoruba language and culture

Yoruba Language - this video will teach you the beginnings about the Yoruba language

English as a Second Language - this video provides a daily activity for ESL Learners

Learn about Food

Mia's (Make Life a Sweet Blessing)- Learn about modern preparation and cooking techniques for a wide array of desserts, juices, and other visually and physically pleasing baked goods

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