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You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.

If You Can do Better, Should You?


Improve Your Self


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Improve Your Veteran's Benefits




Improve Your Career


Business Presentation with Headset_edite

If You Knew it Were Impossible to Fail,
What Would You Do?


Teddy bear looking out window.

Is This the Year that Everything Improves for You?

Identify Your Talents

Challenge of the Day

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How To Design Your Life

Matthew 25:14 The Parable of the Talents

  1. Identify Your Talents   -- Matthew 6:21

Use the Interest Profiler

Use the Multiple Intelligence Assessment

Use the Power Statement

​2. Connect Your Talents to Occupations   -- James 2:14

Use the Interest Profiler

Use the Goals Tracker

Use the American Workforce Trinity principles

3. Use Your Talents to Help Other People   -- Mark 12:31

Use the Activities to Improve Intelligences

Continue to Learn, Continue to Study

Use the Occupation Breakdown

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